Welcome to the IIT KANPUR Virtual Lab online feedback system. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. We'll use the information you provide below to improve our virtual labs.
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Name of the user *
Name of the Experiment
Familiarity with the night sky. Becoming Familiar with Constellations. Retrograde motion of Mars. Study of Solar spectrum Spectral classification of stars. Extracting position of a Star. Astronomical distances using Cepheid variables Proper Motion of Barnard's Star Identification of a Circumpolar Star. Distance and age of cluster using Colour Magnitude Diagram Orbital Inclination of the planet Mars. Measurement of planetary distances Measuring distance to the Moon Observer's location by means of the stars
How helpful do you feel the system is?
Did you experience any problem?
Is there anything you would like to tell us?
Did you feel confident enough while performing the experiment?
Can't say
Was the experiment/process motivating enough?
Did you go through the manual/ step by step procedure before performing the experiments live?
Specify three problems/difficulties you faced while performing the experiments?
Describe three interesting things about the experiments.